About the Medical and Scientific Evidence Working Group 


The purpose of the medical and scientific working group is to strengthen the effectiveness and coordination of the Association’s activities through a global network of clinicians, healthcare workers and industry experts.
Members of the working group can collaborate on projects, share research with one another, streamlining the research and development being undertaken by our members, as well as encourage innovative thinking


The working group is chaired by a lead and a deputy lead, and each subgroup has a lead and a deputy lead. The WG and subgroup executive committee are re-elected every two years.

Lead: Prof. Adel Helmy (Associate Professor Neurosurgery, University of Cambridge Consultant Neurosurgeon, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust)

Co-lead: Prof. Mark Cohen (Dean, Carle Illinois College of Medicine and Senior Vice President and Chief Academic Officer of Carle Health)


Medical and Scientific Evidence Working Group

- Prof. Alfred Wei-Chieh Kow
 (Head of Division, Division of Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic Surgery, National University Hospital): Subgroup for liver surgery

- Dr. Darshan Bakshi (Co-Chief, Interventional Radiology, Clinical Assistant Professor - University of Calgary, Medical Director - Diagnostic Imaging Peter Lougheed Hospital Calgary Canada): Subgroup for Interventional Radiology

- Prof. Asif Raza (Honorary Associate Professor, Plymouth Medical and Dental School, Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer, Imperial College, London, Consultant Urological Surgeon): Urological Subgroup

- Prof. Dirk Weyhe (Director of University Hospital for Visceral Surgery at Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg; PIUS-Hospital, Oldenburg): research & clinical evaluation studies


Objectives of the Working Group

Research and development

Continued research and development within own domain. & look for Look for cross-domain research and development opportunities

Use cases

Development of use cases within own domain

Evidence and clinical guidelines

Validation of evidence within own domain & creation of clinical guidelines and recommendations within own domain

Continued recruitment

Continued recruitment of new members within domain

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