Apr 2024

In a pioneering study titled "Targeted Augmented Reality-Guided Transperineal Prostate Biopsies," researchers have introduced a groundbreaking approach to diagnosing prostate cancer.

Dec 2023

In late November 2023, the National University Health System (NUHS) in Singapore became the epicenter for a pivotal event in the future of healthcare technology. The Holomedicine® Association (HMA), in collaboration with the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA), the Global System for Mobile Communication Association (GSMA), and NUHS, hosted an unprecedented summit that delved into the…

Mar 2023

In February 2023, the European Commission published a report exploring the opportunities, success stories and challenges of Extended Reality (XR) technologies. The report aims to assess the strengths and weaknesses of XR in healthcare and education, the sectors in which XR has already found a variety of applications and consider how the European XR industry is expected evolve. Additionally, it…

On 22 March 2023 the Holomedicine Association will participate at the European Health Tech Summit in the European Parliament in Brussels.

Hosted by MEP Stelios Kympouropoulos (EPP, Greece) and MEP Maria da Graça Carvalho (EPP, Portugal), the European Health Tech Summit consists of 4 multi-stakeholder panel discussions dedicated to the role of technology in health.

On March 22, two of the…

Feb 2023

We are happy to announce that last week we signed a Letter of Intent (LOI) with the European Space Agency (ESA).

We are happy to announce that on 24 January 2023, the Holomedicine® Association and the Society for Simulation in Healthcare™ (SSH) signed an affiliation agreement at the International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare in Orlando, Florida.

Nov 2022

We are proud to announce that the Holomedicine® Association is now GSMA APAC 5G Industry Community ecosystem partner!

GSMA APAC 5G Industry is formed by contributing members and the existing IoT community and 5G emerging market community with over 500 members in more than 30 countries. The community aims to build a platform for people who are passionate about 5G benefits to industries and…

Oct 2022

GIGXR joins the Association as an official industry sponsor!

GIGXR are innovation leaders in the area of education and training, using extended reality technologies to solve key problems faced especially by the healthcare sector. They are making waves across the whole globe, working on partnerships with leading universities such as the University of Michigan and Cambridge University.


Sep 2022

We are pleased to announce that Health Education England (HEE) joins the Association as a Healthcare Institute Partner.

Health Education England is a national leadership organisation for education, training and workforce development in the healthcare sector and supports the delivery of healthcare and health improvement to patients and public across England.

We look forward to welcoming…

Aug 2022

We are proud to share that together with members of the Association’s Policy and Advocacy Working Group, the Holomedicine® Association developed and submitted feedback to the European Health Data Space last month.

The National University Health System, one of three worldwide Holomedicine® Centres of Excellence, IMDA, Singtel, apoQlar and Microsoft has been awarded a grant for the deployment of indoor 5G.

The grant was awarded by the Infocomm Media Development Authority, who announced a number of 5G projects last week.

The deployment of indoor 5G focuses on operating theatres and trial wards in National…

Jun 2022

We are pleased to share that our co-chair of the ­­Association, Dr. Yujia Gao, will be speaking at the upcoming Building Digital Nations Event.

The event will take place over two days in Singapore and will look at how to harness the power of advanced technologies to drive business and communities across the Asia Pacific region, as well as how to keep up to date with global tech innovations. 


We are pleased to announce that we have officially appointed the leads and co-leads for our Working Groups. Through democratic process, the members of the Association have voted for the leads and co-leads.

On 16-19 June the International Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery will hold the 2022 Annual Scientific Meeting, during which the cardiothoracic team from the National University Hospital Singapore will present a video of virtual reality holography guided incision placement for 3 types of minimally invasive cardiac (MICS).

Mar 2022

The Holomedicine® Association is proud to announce the launch of its three Working Groups.

Jan 2022

On 27 November 2021 the Holomedicine® Association held it's Inaugural Summit, bringing together experts from medical industry and educational arenas globally to discuss the developments in Holomedicine® technology.


This article provides a brief overview of the summit and provides access to the summit recordings and reports which are now avialable.

Oct 2021

This month the Holomedicine® Association has been working on its Inaugural Summit taking place as a virtual event on the 27 November 2021.

The Summit will bring together doctors and experts from around the world, who will showcase their extensive knowledge in healthcare, digital innovation, and technology.

Sep 2021

In September, the European Commission together with the Slovenian Presidency organised one of the biggest AI events in Europe: From Ambition to Action’: A High Level Conference on AI. With efforts to make Europe fit for the Digital Age and turn it into the global hub of trustworthy AI, European Commission is putting innovation at the health of policymaking.

Aug 2021

The European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have recently published a new report entitled "National strategies on Artificial Intelligence: A European perspective". The report compares AI-related strategies of Member States and identifies areas of collaboration.

Jul 2021

WHO issued its first global report on Artificial Intelligence in healthcare and six guiding principles for its design and use, entitled Ethics and Governance of Artificial Intelligence for Health.

Jun 2021

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly matured over the years and can be deployed in just about any activity of the health sector, from clinical decision-making to biomedical research and medicine development. It presents great potential to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of health care systems, yet its successful application requires a deep understanding of its strengths and…

May 2021

For the second half of 2021 Slovenia will hold the Presidency of the Council of the EU. During the 6-month mandate, Digital Minister Boštjan Koritnik aims to reach an agreement with the other EU countries on Artificial Intelligence (AI), with the hope that negotiations can be continued into 2022.

Today – on World Telecommunication and Information Society Day – the Holomedicine® Association becomes open to new members, signifying a huge step towards the advancement of digital health.

Apr 2021

Within the next decade the Artificial Intelligence (AI) healthcare market is predicted to be worth more than $61 billion. The COVID-19 pandemic has seen AI used to detect the virus in chest x-rays. In the context of this enormous growth and social salience, the European Commission (EC) has published its proposal for a ‘Regulation Laying Down Harmonised Rules On Artificial Intelligence (Artificial…

The Scottish Government has laid out their plans to become a world leader in the development and use of trustworthy, ethical, and inclusive AI in their newly released AI Strategy, complementing the existing UK Government AI Sector Deal and ahead of the forthcoming UK AI Strategy.

Feb 2021

Serbia has leveraged AI to lead the world in its immunization efforts. The small Balkan country is ranked 7th globally and 2nd in Europe in the number of people vaccinated against Covid-19.

Jan 2021

As COVID-19 continues to focus the worlds minds on global healthcare systems, governments and advisors clamour to attract medical AI research and development.

Sep 2020

As the United Kingdom looks set to wind up the Brexit Transition Period in December, the UK has cast back to old allegiances to set new collaborative horizons, with artificial intelligence research and development a central pillar of new economic collaboration.

Aug 2020

As part of its long-term response to COVID-19, and its commitment to detecting three-quarters of cancers at an early stage by 2028, the UK Government has announced a further £50 million in funding to support diagnostic centres of excellence in developing AI to diagnose disease.

Jul 2020

As innovation in artificial intelligence-based technologies freely progresses in both healthcare and broader society, calls have mounted for regulatory oversight to control, support, and direct AI-based innovations and their application in society. 


Jun 2020

AI-powered supercomputing has come to the fore in the European fight against COVID-19. The EU-funded, public and private consortium Exscalate4CoV (E4C) has escalated the fight against COVID-19 through supercomputer-driven drug discovery.

May 2020

As COVID-19 continues to disrupt healthcare delivery across the world, telehealth – the provision of healthcare remotely through telecommunication technology – has taken centre stage to support remote and virtual healthcare.

Apr 2020

AI is proving to have newfound use in medical imaging of symptoms in COVID-19 patients across the world. The use of AI in diagnostics has proven bountiful over the last few years, and the COVID-19 pandemic has provided further avenues for the application of AI in healthcare.

Mar 2020

London’s Middlesex University has announced its new investment into AI technology as a new teaching tool for nursing students.

Feb 2020

The European Commission (EC) has published their new Data and AI strategy, which sets out plans to expand Europe’s technological and AI capacities.

Jan 2020

In the UK, a new £140million Artificial Intelligence award, which aims to bring life-saving innovation to the NHS, has been launched by the Health secretary Matt Hancock at the ‘Parliament and HealthTech Conference’.

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