The Holomedicine® Association's Inaugural Summit- Release of Recordings and Report

On 27 November 2021, the Holomedicine® Association held its Inaugural Summit. This summit was organised as a global event, gathering speakers from Southeast Asia, Australia, Europe and North America to share how they apply Holomedicine® technology in their own work.

The Holomedicine® Association is the first global industry association for Holomedicine®, created to illustrate the innovation in the field of digital health and to help shape the debate around digital transformation. It consists of individual experts from medicine, science, technology, and policy. The Association works to build new methods for delivering mixed reality technologies in medicine and surgery, ensuring they have maximum clinical impact.

Due to the global scale, and the therefore greatly differing time zones, the summit was split into two sessions- this report covers both sessions. Starting in Singapore at 09:00, speakers from Southeast Asia and Australia came together and individually presented how they have been using Holomedicine® in their medical, educational, and technological work. Additionally, two panel discussions were organised, providing a platform to compare and exchange the developments and challenges the experts face. Session 2 gathered speakers from Europe and North America and saw a variety of presentations in the medical, industry, education and technological arenas, as well as two further panel discussions.

On behalf of the Association, we would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all our speakers who contributed towards communicating the vast applications of Holomedicine® technologies.

To access the report which summarises session 1 and session 2 of the summit, please click here.

To watch session 1 of the summit, please follow this link. For session 2, please click on this link


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